1. One learns of life not from reading books, but through living and experiencing.
2. Those who experience most aspects of life are more knowledgeable than those who only read about them.
3. The younger generation should listen to their elders, who have lived long enough to gain the wisdom, common sense, and knowledge that the younger lack.
4. Money does not constitute everything, even though it makes life easier. It may give you a huge house or an expensive car, but does it give you peace of mind, joy, or happiness? Can you buy love, friends, or respect?
5. Do not take silence for stupidity, since a wise man avoids confrontation and speaks less. However, in the end, he would surprise us all with perfect and wise speech.
6. Wise people do not make the same mistake twice, while fools never learn from them.
7. Yes, we must always use our logic minds before making any steps, weighing the pros and the cons of any decision. A fool jumps into the fire without thinking about the consequences.
8. Books are written not only for the love of writing but also to inspire, help, entertain, and share knowledge and gained experience.
9. Life is meaningless if you cannot live it to the fullest.
10. Sometimes to ascend you should learn to fall or plunge downward.
11. Life experiences are valuable because they help us to compare, understand, share, guide, and learn.
12. Wasted time cannot be returned. Hence, do not waste your life trying to prove or argue because you will just end up in unfortunate situations.
13. Not everything that shines is gold. In fact, people wear masks. They might smile in your face but talk about you behind your back.
14. God is at the center of the universe. Not having God in one’s life is like not having a soul. Even without facts, we just know that things exist. Many trails are left behind to demonstrate that God exists. Things do not just happen without a reason. There is a force that runs everything in the universe. Look at the pattern in the creation of the universe. Listen to miraculous events and the stories of others. Where did they come from?
15. Would you forget about your pride, dignity, and freedom yet accept abuse or nonsense from someone so as not to lose a comfortable life? Or would you rather lose a comfortable life, struggle, raise your voice, and stand up for your rights to be treated with love and respect? What is better, hunger or allowing someone to abuse and disrespect you? My advice to you is not take abusive rubbish from anyone. Life is too short for that! Stand up for your rights as my female protagonist Silvana does in my novel Broken Chains.
16. Suffering does not go in vain. It gives us needed wisdom and opens our eyes and hearts to many things. Blind people devoid of experience cannot see--hence, they cannot understand the reason nor see truth and compassion.
17. Overconfidence is a sign of ignorance and pride, which is not healthy for the soul!
18. Those in the younger generation think they know everything, yet they have so much to learn.
19. Different people react differently to the same situations or the same experiences. Something that influences you may not have the same effect on others. Experiences are not egalitarian--hence, their impact will be different on each of you.
20. To understand the human mind or patterns of behavior one must understand human psychology.
21. Nobody knows 100 percent about everything, and that's why life is a learning experience. A job that allows you to learn will have a positive effect on you.
22. Do not forget to use your manners because you are no better than others. Do not greet someone by virtue of social status or job position. Instead, look at their hearts and minds.
23. If you want respect, then earn it and show some to others.
24. If you have money or status, you are a king and people are attracted to you as bees to a hive of honey. If you have neither, even doctors may let you die. Money is like a drug to which some are addicted. People treat you according to your pocket or what can you do for them. Although money opens many doors, keep the main door closed. How can you open the door to paradise if the door to hell cannot be closed any longer?
25. Sometimes it is better to play stupid than trying to prove something to an ignorant fool.
26. Image builders may charm or fool you. They have one goal: to impress you with false images.
27. I know who I am, where I want to be, and who I would like to become. This is a temporary stop just to gain the added experience that would be used for the benefit of others.
28. Life is both a primary experience and a learning tool. We learn to fall and rise. However, not everyone learns their lessons from this process of descent and ascent. Some just keep repeating the same fallacious patterns and cannot rise.
29. I may not speak with you a great deal. Empty talks would not give you anything good. There is so much to be done! Yet, if you need a good ear, I will always listen to you. I will guide, listen to your worries and concerns, and try to help you.
30. Is asking the same questions repeatedly a sign of stupidity, curiosity, self-reliance, or ignorance? Examine a person's personality and you will find out.
31. People expect a great deal of you. Do they give you back anything at all? It is best to live up to God's expectations without losing one’s humility.
32. Beware of the disingenuous pattern of users. They take but never bother to give back.
33. Do not come to me with your sweet talk. I will not buy it. You will not pass my test even if I decide to test you.
34. Don’t shoot arrows of poison, hate, and bitterness out of your mouth. God will not be pleased with you. Beware, otherwise these arrows will shoot back at you.
35. You do not need to visit a shop to buy a doll with a perfect face. Look for the heartless person. You will find your doll there not only with a beautiful face, but also with a heart replaced by a rock.
36. You are hiding behind your mask, and God only knows what is in your heart. Therefore, you cannot disguise your true self.
37. People wonder why I never follow anyone's advice. The secret remains that I have common sense and know what is right for me after God only. Nonetheless, God knows more than I do.
38. I live my life according to not books but life, which resembles an endless story for your book. In turn, you may write ten books about it.
39. Before you judge or talk extensively and expansively, put on another person’s shoes. Walk the road along which he has strolled. Live the life that he has lived. Then, you might learn something new.
40. If you cannot see someone else's hard work, you are indeed a blind and ungrateful soul.
41. If you not have common sense, you will never know about real life. Better not to say anything at all. Everything just goes in one ear and out the other.
42. Your money and social status do not impress me. In fact, you have built a huge castle for yourself, and you walk on the earth like a lost sheep, Godless and unable to build a road to paradise.
43. People are motivated by money. Indeed, money rules the world. If you have no money, most people pass you by without even saying, hello. How can you let material things instead of love guide you away from God and turn your heart to stone? Is this what you value the most? I must say you are lost!
44. People are following false leaders, ones who are making the rules to suit their own needs, the reason the world finds itself in such chaos.
45. God is a miracle in my life, a joy in my heart, and a pleasure to my eyes. He is not only the one I worship and admire, but also the only path to paradise.
46. What is God's purpose for us? He wants us to lead our lives and glorify him in everything we do. Stay away from sin and show love to others. In addition, build a road to paradise and follow his will. While I do not have answers to everything and am just making suggestions, God is the one who knows everything, the king of the universe, my saviour, my boss, and the solution to everything.
47. God gave you such tools as the Bible, guidance, and commandments. What else do you need to understand that he is the one you should follow?
48. I look at this fallen world and become horrified: children around the world are getting abused, women are suffering, and the Zika virus travels around the globe. This world is a mess, and I do not know what is coming next.